Street Outreach Program FACT SHEET 2017

Family Youth Services Bureau 2017
FYSB Mission
To support the organizations and communities that work every
day to put an end to youth homelessness, adolescent pregnancy
and domestic violence.

FYSB Vision
A future in which all our nation’s youth, individuals and families—no
matter what challenges they may face—can live healthy, productive,
violence-free lives.

The Street Outreach Program enables organizations around
the country to help young people get off the streets. To that
end, the program promotes efforts by its grantees to build
relationships between street outreach workers and runaway,
homeless and street youth. Grantees also provide support
services that aim to move youth into stable housing and prepare
them for independence. The program’s ultimate goal is to
prevent the sexual abuse or exploitation of young people living
on the streets or in unstable housing. More than 20,000 young
people who came into contact with a street outreach worker
went on to spend at least one night in shelter in FY 2014.


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